When mummy got me up this morning, I had fun teasing daddy before he went to work. Daddy wanted to give me a kiss, but I wouldn't let him and I kept hiding behind mummy instead. Then daddy put his hands over his eyes and cried, and I decided that I better had kiss him after all, because I didn't want him to embarrass himself in front of mummy.
After this, daddy kept pestering me while I was trying to eat my breakfast. He was trying to get me to say that I love him, and I was ignoring him and looking round at other people and saying: "I you ... mummy! I you ... mim! I you ... nan-mar!" Daddy was not very happy with me, and it was funny.
The parent staff both went out to work after this, and I spent my morning playing with the grandparent staff. We went to the park and the big shop, and we had lunch in a cafe. I threw some fruit while we were in the cafe, but it was an accident.
After lunchtime, mummy came home from work, and me and mummy stood on the doorstep and waved to the grandparent staff as they drove away in their car, back to the big white house where they live.
Then we came inside and mummy started cleaning in the crazy way that she does when she has been in work for the last few days, and hasn't done any cleaning at all, and the carpet looks like the tray that Harvey does his poos in.
When mummy had finished cleaning, Aoibheann came round to play, and she brought cakes and her mummy, Anna, with her. I was very excited about the cakes because mummy let me have a bit of one, which doesn't normally happen because of mummy's awfulness. It was okay to see Anna, too.
Me and Aoibheann played with my slide and my tunnel, and spread my toys out all over the living room floor. The floor looked good.
Then the mummies put us in scruffy clothes and we did some painting. My paintings were mostly on my hands, and they were masterpieces.
I have had a sore mouth today and I have been doing lots of stinky poos, and mummy says that this is probably because I am getting more teeth. Teeth are good as they help you to eat yummy things, but I have lots of teeth already and I don't want any more if they are going to hurt me.
While me and Aoibheann were painting, I did a stinky poo which was burning my bottom, and I felt very upset while mummy took me upstairs and changed my nappy. I shouted lots and kicked my legs around, and Aoibheann brought Anna up into my bedroom to check that I was okay and that mummy wasn't being mean to me, which was nice of her.
I was a bit unhappy for the rest of the afternoon and I spent quite a lot of time sitting on mummy's knee, asking her to read to me and then closing the books on her fingers after one or two pages. Mummy was not very happy about this, and after a while she said that she wasn't going to read to me any more, so I got down and went to play on my slide with Aoibheann instead.
When Anna and Aoibheann went home, mummy gave me my dinner and did my bath and storytime while I drank my milk. I have not slept at all today so I was very tired while I was drinking my milk. I was glad to be put into bed with my dinosaurs tonight. Maybe when I wake up in the morning, I will have more teeth!
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